- Room C2.2, Keynes College, School of Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, CT2 7NZ
- ea483@kent.ac.uk
Enes ALTUNCU is an early-career researcher in Computer Science. He has recently completed his PhD in Computer Science at the University of Kent. Before joining UoK, he received his MSc from TOBB University of Economics and Technology in 2019 and his BSc from Middle East Technical University in 2017, both in Computer Science.
His research mainly focuses on the human and societal aspects of cyber security. More precisely, his research interests involve:
- Detecting false/misleading information online
- Digital deception technologies
- Human factors in cyber security
- AI and NLP applications in cyber security
If you have similar research interests, please feel free to get in touch for any collaboration.
Latest News
- New paper titled "Deepfake: Definitions, Performance Metrics and Standards, Datasets, and a Meta-Review" has been accepted for publication in Frontiers in Big Data, section Cybersecurity and Privacy.
- I've successfully defended my PhD thesis titled "Fact-checking Ecosystem: From Modelling to Semi-automated Stakeholder-based Detection of False Information".
- New paper titled "aedFaCT: Scientific Fact-Checking Made Easier via Semi-Automatic Discovery of Relevant Expert Opinions" has been accepted to the MEDIATE 2023 Workshop, co-located with ICWSM 2023.
- The paper I co-authored "A Systematic Literature Review of the Tension between the GDPR and Public Blockchain Systems" has been accepted to be published in the Elsevier's "Blockchain: Research and Applications" journal.
- New arxiv preprint "Graphical Models of False Information and Fact Checking Ecosystems" is out!